Laxmi, is the eldest of five children. At the age of 13, her mother passed away, forcing her to put her education on hold and care for her family. Her father was an alcoholic who spent what little they did have on his addiction.
Laxmi, determined to have a better life, worked as a domestic worker and saved. She came across the Prerna Girls School where she was able to receive an education and eventually a job to support her family.
“Prerna gave me a voice and taught me to value myself. My school not only gave me an education, it made me self-reliant. Now I have a good job. I can support my family.”
She has since completed a post-graduate degree and works at a job that covers her family’s food, clothing, and education expenses. She has purchased a plot of land where she one day plans to build her home.
“My life is very different now, while my father sold my books to buy alcohol, I see how my sisters’ life is now so different from mine. They all have education.”
She adds that she is financially independent, able to look after her siblings and ensure they have a better future, and that she will now have a choice in who she marries and when she does so.